Singapore third party fire and theft car insurance

Third party fire and theft car insurance takes the benefits offered by third party only coverage and adds on additional coverage that protects your vehicle against losses and damages caused by fire or theft.

Third party fire and theft car insurance benefits

Drivers who secure this type of policy will be purchasing a plan that not only offers the same coverage as a third party insurance plan but also adds additional coverage that protects your car against the following:

  • Theft of your car - Covers replacement and temporary vehicle hire costs in the event that your car is stolen.
  • Damages from attempted theft - Covers repair costs from damages caused by attempted theft (e.g. broken car door).
  • Fire damage - Covers losses caused by car fires, including accidental fires and arson. Some plans will also cover damages caused by other natural disasters under fire damage as well.

Third Party Fire and Theft car insurance exclusions

While third party fire and theft motor insurance does offer extended coverage when compared with third party only plans, there are still a number of exclusions they will not cover:

  • Damage to your own vehicle and property in the event of an accident
  • Personal injury and death
  • Windscreen damage
  • Roadside assistance in the event that your car breaks down

For extra peace of mind, Kwiksure Singapore recommends comprehensive car insurance, a high-level Singapore car insurance policy that also protects the driver and their vehicle.

Is Third Party Fire and Theft car insurance right for me?

Third party fire and theft insurance may not be the best option for every driver. As a general rule of thumb, Kwiksure Singapore recommends this policy to experienced drivers with relatively old cars (8 years old and above) that are fairly cheap to repair, or to people who are able to afford to pay for all the repairs to their vehicle themselves.

It’s also very important to know about the key benefits and exclusions of all your motor insurance options, because you may either want a cheap car insurance plan with very basic coverage benefits, one that offers a medium level of protection, or a comprehensive plan that gives you maximum peace of mind.

Here, we’ve included a table illustrating the coverage benefits offered by the three main types of motor insurance policies in Singapore:

  Third Party Third Party Fire and Theft Comprehensive
Protection against liability to third parties (including passengers) for bodily injury or death Yes Yes Yes
Property damage to third Yes Yes Yes
Damages and losses resulting from fire and theft   Yes Yes
Damages and losses to your own vehicle     Yes
No Claims Discount (NCD) protection*     Yes
Personal accident and medical expenses cover*     Yes
Vehicle towing*     Yes
Windscreen damage*     Yes

*Items with an asterisk (*) are not included in all comprehensive car insurance policies.

Compare plans and prices with Kwiksure Singapore today

Whether your car is your most prized possession or just a way to get you from A to B, it’s important (and required by law) that you protect your vehicle with car insurance. If you are looking for the best car insurance plan in Singapore please contact the helpful experts at Kwiksure today, or get a FREE quote by clicking the button below.