6 tips for avoiding overinflated car insurance claims

Getting into a traffic accident is indeed a frustrating experience, but dealing with inflated car insurance claims is even worse. We all know the kind of driver who makes a big deal about the smallest of scrapes and lodges extortionate motor insurance claims to your insurer. Our advice is that you shouldn’t rely on your …

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How off-peak car drivers can save more

As far back as two decades ago, the Singaporean government already had the foresight to tackle the problems of increasing car population, traffic congestion, and air pollution in the tiny city-state by introducing the Off-Peak Car Scheme (OPC). In 2009, the Land Transport Authority of Singapore (LTA) replaced the scheme with the Revised Off-Peak Car …

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Tips on selling used cars in Singapore

Owning a car in Singapore has always been expensive, but now it has become even more so because all local drivers have to pay renewal fees every 5 or 10 years when their Certificate of Entitlement (COE) expires. With the recent introduction of the zero-growth vehicle policy, the accessibility of the city’s public transport system, …

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